Brain Injury Attorney Anderson SC

Help for Brain Injury Victims in South Carolina

The Center for Disease Control reports that more than 1.4 million Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. They estimate that 50,000 of these TBI victims die. Those who live may need medical care for many years and suffer lifelong effects of their injury.

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Steven M Krause PA represent brain injury victims and their families. We have seen the impact of this serious injury on individuals and their loved ones. It is a situation that can change a family forever. If you need legal help, please call our Anderson office at 864-225-4000. Your consultation is free.

Your Life May Never Be the Same

People with a closed-head injury may suffer a range of psychological problems, including personality changes, mood disorders, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. They may also be left with severe headaches and impaired motor function. In extreme cases, a brain injury can result in a coma.

We understand that the long-term effects of brain injuries can be devastating. Injury victims may need medical care for the rest of their lives. They may be unable to return to work, enjoy the same activities or live on their own.

The cost of a brain injury can be enormous. In addition to medical treatment, you may also be facing loss of income and other expenses. We work with psychologists, neurologists and other experts to detail the effect the injury has on your life. Economists and life care planners help us calculate the long-term costs and argue for the maximum benefits you are entitled to.

In some situations, the injured person needs to have someone appointed as a guardian and as a conservator to help with medical and financial decisions. Our lawyers can assist you with this process. We can also handle probate if you have lost a family member to a brain or other injury.

Contact Us Today

Personal injury cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. If we accept your case, there is no fee unless we recover damages for you. To make an appointment, please call 864-225-4000 or send an e-mail.


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