Are you a motorcyclist in South Carolina? If you were involved in a crash, you have the right to seek compensation for the full extent of your damages, including motorcycle repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At the same time, it is important to understand that car and motorcycle accident claims are different. At The Law Office of Steven M Krause PA, we have the specialized experience needed to handle motorcycle accident cases. Here, our Anderson motorcycle crash lawyer explains how motorcycle accidents vs car accidents are different from ordinary automobile accident claims.
1. Motorcycle Crashes are Far More Likely to Result in Serious Injuries or Fatalities
Motorcyclists are inherently vulnerable. Unfortunately, when a crash happens, the consequences can be catastrophic. A stunning 80 percent of motorcycle collisions result in rider injuries. That is a rate far higher than for the occupants of full-sized vehicles. According to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS), 161 motorcyclists were killed in crashes in the state in 2021 alone. For reference, that means motorcyclists are killed at nearly 25 times the rate of drivers.
It is a big difference for personal injury claims because serious accidents lead to more complex cases.
2. Special Laws Regulate Motorcycles in South Carolina (Could Impact Liability)
There are motorcycle-specific laws in South Carolina. These laws could potentially have an important impact on a motorcycle accident injury claim. For instance, our state mandates that all motorcyclists and their passengers wear helmets if under 21 years old. Failure to wear a helmet could potentially be used to undermine a young motorcyclist’s personal injury claim. As another example, motorcycles in South Carolina must be equipped with turn signals and a permanent, regular seat.
Violations of these regulations can influence fault determinations in accident cases. Every motorcycle crash should be thoroughly investigated by a top-tier attorney.
3. Motorcyclists Sometimes Face Unfair Stereotypes of Insurance Companies
The final difference is more intangible. Unfortunately, motorcyclists in South Carolina may be forced to contend with negative stereotypes from insurance companies after a crash. In some cases, riders can unjustly be stereotyped as risk-takers and thrill seekers. Indeed, an insurance adjuster may unfairly assume that motorcyclists are inherently reckless or more likely to engage in speeding or other unsafe driving. It is a problem because this can make it more challenging for injured riders to receive full and fair compensation. Motorcyclists must be prepared to counter these stereotypes. An experienced Anderson, SC motorcycle accident lawyer can help.
At The Law Office of Steven M Krause PA, our South Carolina motorcycle accident attorney fights aggressively for justice. If you have any questions or concerns about motorcycle crash injury claims, please do not hesitate to contact us right away for a free, no obligation initial consultation. With an office in Anderson, we represent motorcycle crash victims throughout the surrounding region.