South Carolina Workers’ Compensation: Frequently Asked Questions

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Workers’ compensation is a type of liability insurance purchased by employers aimed at covering employment-related injuries and illnesses. It is a state-mandated program that includes benefit payments to employers who are unable to work due to a workplace injury or illness. The specific details regarding what is covered, however varies by state. In South Carolina, workers’ compensation is regulated by the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission (SCWCC). Below are some commonly asked questions about workers’ compensation.


If you or someone you know has suffered a workplace injury or illness in South Carolina and is unable to work because of it, contact a knowledgeable Anderson workers’ compensation attorney right away.


Common Workers’ Compensation Questions


  • If I am injured at work, what should I do first? Once an injury or illness has occurred, contact your supervisor immediately. Thereafter, seek appropriate medical treatment and keep a detailed record of all relevant information – medical or otherwise. It is important to know that there are statutes of limitations that govern a workers’ compensation claim. In other words, your claim can be barred simply due to the passage of time if you wait too long to file.


  • What is needed to get my workers’ compensation claim approved?  It is not uncommon for a workers’ compensation claim to be denied, however, the simpler claims may be approved if all the following are true: there is no pre-existing condition; the employer admits the injury or illness was job-related; any work that was missed resulted from the workplace illness or injury; and any injuries suffered were minor.


  • What benefits might I be entitled to? South Carolina’s Department of Insurance regulates the weekly benefit rates for those who qualify for workers’ compensation payments. The different types of benefits paid to someone who qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits may include temporary total disability, permanent partial disability, in addition to medical expenses.  


  • The insurance company denied my claim. Now what? There are several reasons as to why a claim may be denied. First, contact your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier to discuss your claim. If there is no change in the status, appeal the denial. Generally, the first level of appeal is before an administrative law judge (“ALJ”). Depending on the state, there are different levels of appeals.


America’s workers’ compensation system was created  to provide fair and timely benefits for workers who are unable to work because of a workplace injury or illness. Our nation’s workers’ compensation system, however, often goes against individuals and instead benefits employers and their insurance companies.


Workers’ Compensation Help in Anderson


You do not have to give up your rights to workers’ compensation benefits simply because you were denied. A skilled attorney can guide you through the claims, appeal and litigation phase of your case. Deadlines are often short and strict, so do not delay in contacting legal representation. If you or anyone you know has suffered a work-related injury and is thinking of filing a claim, contact an Anderson workers’ compensation attorney for your initial consultation. The law offices of The Law Offices of Steven M Krause PA have aggressive lawyers that will work hard on your side to fight your claim.


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