Car Accidents

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October 29, 2014

Driver unknown re car accident at South Carolina gas station

On occasion, the nature of a crash makes it difficult for law enforcement officers on the scene to determine who was driving a vehicle. It can […]
October 22, 2014

Coroner works to identify victim in hit-and-run auto accident

Despite the fact that the coroner has yet to make a positive identification of a male victim killed in a hit-and run accident, people in the […]
October 9, 2014

South Carolina woman dies in motor vehicle accident

Most drivers do their best to be courteous to others while behind the wheel of their vehicles. This is due — at least in part — […]
October 1, 2014

2 car accident kills 1 and injures 5, was improper pass to blame?

Even when a driver can legally do so, passing on a two-lane road can be dangerous.  Virtually every South Carolina driver knows that plenty of room […]